Zor-El (father), Allura In-Ze (mother), Jor-El II (uncle, deceased), Lara Lor-Van (aunt, deceased), Kal-El (Superman,Clark Kent, cousin), Lois Lane (cousin-in-law), Jonathan Kent (adopted uncle), Martha Kent (adopted aunt), Kon-El (Superboy, Conner Kent, clone cousin, deceased), Nim-El (uncle), Dondra Klu-Ta (aunt), Don-El (cousin), Jor-El I (praternal grandfather, deceased), Nimda An-Dor (paternal grandmother, deceased), Lar-Van (maternal grandfather, deceased), Lara Rok-Var (maternal grandmother, deceased), Val-El, Sul-El, Tala-El, Hatu-El, Gam-El (ancestors, deceased)
Formerly Justice League of America, Supermen of America, Justice League of Amazons, Kent Family, Superman Family, Kryptonian Science Guild, Teen Titans, Legion of Super-Heroes, Outsiders